Every August Until a Cure!
Three years ago when the ALS Ice Bucket challenge took the world by storm, we pledged to take the challenge #EveryAugustUntilACure.
This year even the MLB is taking on ALS.
ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, he was a major league baseball player who passed away of ALS.
Because of Lou Gehrig, baseball has long had a connection to the fight against ALS.
"MLB Fights ALS" campaign, a league-wide fundraising effort that will begin on Tuesday, August 1, and run through August 5. The campaign will be promoted in ballparks and by MLB's media assets, including MLB.com, the club websites and the MLB Network.
We took the ALS Ice Bucket challenge again and we invite our friends to do the same and consider donating $5 to Canadian ALS research through our site.
We are excited to one day (soon) make ALS history!
Three years ago Christopher, who lives with ALS, took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014. Two years ago, he could still speak.
Christopher lost his battle with ALS on October 31, 2016.
Founder of ALS Double Play, Cherrie, takes the ALS ice bucket challenge for her brother, Christopher, who passed of ALS on October 31, 2016. Christopher was only 37 years old.