If you or someone you know has ALS and is currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please contact Telehealth Ontario or your local public health unit immediately.

In light of the current situation surrounding COVID-19 and its recent naming as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, we are sharing pertinent information with our community to understand the risks and impact of COVID-19. Please note that this is a rapidly evolving situation; stay informed as our government will continue to share updates daily. While there is currently no evidence to show that patients with ALS are uniquely sensitive to the virus, individuals with respiratory health issues, chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or lung disease, and those who are elderly may be at a higher risk for experiencing COVID-19 severely.
Prevention & Management: As part of the global community, we are taking precautions to limit exposure for our community. We have postponed our previously scheduled events and limit gatherings among volunteers and our Board of Directors. As we are a virtual office, we remain open and fully functioning.
Upcoming ALS Double Play Events: Exhale Hope for ALS yoga event has been postponed to Saturday, September 26, 2020. Our online reservation system has been updated to reflect this change. Location and format of the event have not changed. Barring any undermined critical developments our 5th Annual 5km Intentional Walk for ALS and Bubble Tea Fest will take place as planned on Saturday, June 13 in Downtown Markham. We are excited to welcome everyone! For the safety of everyone in our community we ask that those who are ill not take part in the Intentional Walk and Bubble Tea Fest. More information will be shared as we near closer to the date of these events.
Our supporters & friends: The safety of our supporters and friends is our utmost priority, and we will do everything we can to adapt to the current situation, and keep you informed of any new developments. Additional considerations to help the global community: - Please wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, - Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze, - Stay home if you feel sick or are coughing or sneezing, - Check in with seniors and those who live alone. We wish you and yours good health throughout this difficult time.
Stay Informed: